Swiss Experiment - From Wireless Sensor Networks to Sensor Data
Karl Aberer, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
The emergence of novel sensing devices and wireless sensor network technologies provides a whole new opportunity for global environmental studies and environment-related decision making. The Swiss Experiment is a newly initiated multidisciplinary project aimed at building a large scale platform, to support field investigations of environmental processes, which is based on new sensor and data management technology. In this talk we will first give an overview of the environmental problems being addressed in the Swiss Experiment and identify opportunities of supporting environmental scientists by recent advances in communications and information systems. We will discuss in particular our approach to support data and information management throughout experimental campaigns. This includes support for distributed data stream management based on Global Sensor Networks, for data warehousing and analysis, for map-based visualizations based on SensorMap and for information sharing using a WIKI-based and semantics-enabled platform. We will demonstrate our initial results and identify some future challenges towards developing a truly comprehensive information management support for environmental sciences.
Karl Aberer is a Professor for Distributed Information Systems at EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, and director of the Swiss National Centre for Mobile Information and Communication Systems (NCCR-MICS). His research interests are on decentralization and self-organization in information systems with applications in peer-to-peer search, overlay networks, trust management and mobile and sensor networks. Before joining EPFL in 2000 he was leading the research division of open adaptive information systems at the Integrated Publication and Information Systems Institute (IPSI) of GMD in Germany, which he joined in 1992. There his work concentrated on XML data management and cross-organizational workflows. He studied mathematics at ETH Zurich, where he also completed his Ph.D. in theoretical computer science in 1991. From 1991 to 1992 he was postdoctoral fellow at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) at the University of California, Berkeley. He is member of several journal editorial boards, including VLDB Journal, and conference steering committees. Recently he served as PC co-chair of ICDE 2005, MDM 2006, ISWC 2007 and P2P 2009.
ArchRock Energy Optimizer - A Case Study on IP WSN Data for Energy
and Environmental Monitoring
Patrick Grossetete, Arch Rock Corporation, Paris, France
This session will introduce ArchRock Energy Optimizer (AREO) solution
describing data flow between IP Wireless Sensor Networking and AREO server
database. It will present the importance of data management in the context of
Energy and Environmental monitoring for Commercial & Industrial buildings
as well as Data Center and Telecom Rooms.
Patrick Grossetete is Technical Director of Product Management and Customer Solutions at Arch Rock, a pioneer in IP-based wireless sensor network technology. Previously Patrick led a product management team at Cisco Systems, responsible for a suite of Cisco IOS software technologies, including IPv6 and IP Mobility. Patrick is a regular speaker at conferences and industry events, including the IPv6 Forum which he joined in 1999 as Cisco representative.
Patrick is coauthor of Global IPv6 Strategies and Deploying IPv6 Networks books published by Cisco Press. In June 2003, he received the "IPv6 Forum Internet Pioneer Award" at the San Diego summit. Before to join Cisco in 1994 as a Consulting Engineer, he worked at Digital Equipment Corporation as a consulting engineer and was involved with network design and deployment. He received a degree in computer science from the Control Data Institute, Paris, France.